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Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 51

Damien Hirst

1.200.000 HK$ - 2.200.000 HK$
ca. 152.972 $ - 280.449 $
2.000.000 HK$
ca. 254.954 $
Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 51

Damien Hirst

1.200.000 HK$ - 2.200.000 HK$
ca. 152.972 $ - 280.449 $
2.000.000 HK$
ca. 254.954 $

Property of an Important European Collector Damien Hirst Follow Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne-Sophie 2014 signed and inscribed ‘Damien Hirst for Anne-Sophie D.’ on the reverse; further signed ‘D Hirst’ on the stretcher household gloss on canvas diameter: 152.3 cm. (59 7/8 in.) Executed in 2014.
Provenance Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner Catalogue Essay Bursting with tactile layers of blue, hunter green, red and yellow, Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne presents an exemplary work from Damien Hirst’s coveted Spin Painting series. The circular canvas exhibits several splashes of vibrant colour that spring outwards from a central point, elucidating the unmistakable spontaneity that electrifies the series. According to Hirst, Spin Paintings are “a massive explosion of energy—full of life, colour and optimism.” (Damien Hirst quoted in “Damien Hirst’s monumental spin artwork in spectacular display at Olympics 2012 Closing Ceremony,” Artist’s Website, August 9, 2012, They recall the spinning of a record on a turntable, or Hirst’s long exposure photographic series that capture the movement of the stars. Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne hearkens back to a 1993 collaboration between Hirst and Angust Fairhurst titled A Fete Worst than Death , an event curated by Joshua Compston in Shoreditch, London. Having constructed an impromptu spin art station, the artists offered visitors the opportunity to pay a mere £1 to create their own spin paintings to be autographed by the pair. This key body of work has since contributed to seminal exhibitions including Hirst’s 2012 retrospective at Tate Modern. Though Hirst’s extolled Spot Paintings are meticulously rendered by hand, both the Spot and Spin series analyse the theme of mechanical intervention. To create each Spin piece, paint is spilled onto a round canvas whirled by a machine at high speeds in reference to the optical experiments of Marcel Duchamp Though Duchamp utilised motorised devices as a means of creating optical illusions, Hirst’s contemporary take focuses on the impressions of possibility, wonder, and elation evoked by the expression of movement. Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne offers a highly animated painting by the inimitable Damien Hirst one of the most globally renowned artists working today. Read More Catalogue Essay 質感強烈的藍色、綠色、紅色、黃色在畫面上飛流奔放,《為最棒的安妮.蘇菲而作的美麗血腥革命超音速法國旋轉繪畫》實為達明安‧赫斯特的旋轉畫系列中的傑作。圓心畫布上,明亮的顏色從圓心向外放射,無庸置疑地展現了其旋轉畫系列鼓舞人心的自發性。赫斯特表示,「旋轉畫是一股龐大力量的乍現,充滿生命力、色彩和樂觀主義。」(「達明安‧赫斯特在2012年奧運閉幕典禮展示令人為之驚豔的旋轉畫作品」,2012年8月9日,節錄自藝術家網站: 旋轉畫讓人聯想起在唱片機上旋轉著黑膠唱片,也像是赫斯特用拉長曝光來捕捉星辰轉動的攝影系列。然而,相較於其他同系列作品,呈現於此的拍品有一特殊之處——畫面上,濃烈的色彩沿著直徑向外邊界擴散,微妙地叫人憶起遠景中的地平線。 《為最棒的安妮.蘇菲而作的美麗血腥革命超音速法國旋轉繪畫》可追溯至在1993年,赫斯特與藝術家安格斯‧費赫斯特聯手在倫敦薛迪奇區舉辦了一場由策展人約書亞‧康斯頓策展、由眾藝術家領銜主導的街頭藝術博覽會「比死更糟的宴會」。兩位藝術家在街接頭打造旋轉畫站,訪客只需付1英鎊的費用便能創作自己的旋轉畫,並轉交給兩位藝術家簽名。格列格‧繆爾在回顧赫斯特早期的表演藝術裝置時說道:「赫斯特創作旋轉畫得心應手,甚至在未來發展出一系列的旋轉畫,畫名一律用『美麗的』做起頭,並以『繪畫』結尾。」(格列格‧繆爾和克萊爾‧瓦勒斯:《 In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida 》,泰特現代藝術館,倫敦,2004年,91頁) 這一系列令收藏家極為嚮往的關鍵作品,更是赫斯特大展中的常客,例如赫斯特於2012年在倫敦泰特現代藝術館所舉辦的回顧展。 相較於旋轉畫系列,赫斯特同樣備受推崇的圓點系列強調的是一絲不苟的繪畫執行,但是兩個系列探討的都是機械介入的主題。赫斯特創作旋轉畫的方法是將顏料倒在高速旋轉的圓形畫布上,他用旋轉機器作畫契機可以追溯至杜象;不過,杜象用所發展出的是一種視覺實驗,赫斯特則是以當代的觀點,專注發展動作所引發的可能、驚奇和欣喜。畫面上的豐富的動感彰顯著赫斯特的藝術實踐中,各種相互抗衡的流動能量。「這關乎死亡和腐敗,也關乎理念和生命:世界對於事物所做出的行為存在一個空間內,而顏色則存在另一個空間中。這實是在太美好了。」(達明安‧赫斯特與高登‧伯恩:〈在工作的路上〉,Faber and Faber,2001年,119頁) 赫斯特是當今享最譽國際的藝術家之一,呈現於此的《為最棒的安妮.蘇菲而作的美麗血腥革命超音速法國旋轉繪畫》,更是一件極富動感的旋轉畫大作。 Read More Artist Bio Damien Hirst British • 1965 Follow There is no other contemporary artist as maverick to the art market as Damien Hirst Foremost among the Young British Artists (YBAs), a group of provocative artists who graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London in the late 1980s, Hirst ascended to stardom by making objects that shocked and appalled, and that possessed conceptual depth in both profound and prankish ways. Regarded as Britain's most notorious living artist, Hirst has studded human skulls in diamonds and submerged sharks, sheep and other dead animals in custom vitrines of formaldehyde. In tandem with Cheyenne Westphal, now Chairman of Ph

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 51
Hong Kong

Property of an Important European Collector Damien Hirst Follow Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne-Sophie 2014 signed and inscribed ‘Damien Hirst for Anne-Sophie D.’ on the reverse; further signed ‘D Hirst’ on the stretcher household gloss on canvas diameter: 152.3 cm. (59 7/8 in.) Executed in 2014.
Provenance Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner Catalogue Essay Bursting with tactile layers of blue, hunter green, red and yellow, Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne presents an exemplary work from Damien Hirst’s coveted Spin Painting series. The circular canvas exhibits several splashes of vibrant colour that spring outwards from a central point, elucidating the unmistakable spontaneity that electrifies the series. According to Hirst, Spin Paintings are “a massive explosion of energy—full of life, colour and optimism.” (Damien Hirst quoted in “Damien Hirst’s monumental spin artwork in spectacular display at Olympics 2012 Closing Ceremony,” Artist’s Website, August 9, 2012, They recall the spinning of a record on a turntable, or Hirst’s long exposure photographic series that capture the movement of the stars. Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne hearkens back to a 1993 collaboration between Hirst and Angust Fairhurst titled A Fete Worst than Death , an event curated by Joshua Compston in Shoreditch, London. Having constructed an impromptu spin art station, the artists offered visitors the opportunity to pay a mere £1 to create their own spin paintings to be autographed by the pair. This key body of work has since contributed to seminal exhibitions including Hirst’s 2012 retrospective at Tate Modern. Though Hirst’s extolled Spot Paintings are meticulously rendered by hand, both the Spot and Spin series analyse the theme of mechanical intervention. To create each Spin piece, paint is spilled onto a round canvas whirled by a machine at high speeds in reference to the optical experiments of Marcel Duchamp Though Duchamp utilised motorised devices as a means of creating optical illusions, Hirst’s contemporary take focuses on the impressions of possibility, wonder, and elation evoked by the expression of movement. Beautiful Bloody Revolutionary Supersonic French Spin Painting for the Amazing Anne offers a highly animated painting by the inimitable Damien Hirst one of the most globally renowned artists working today. Read More Catalogue Essay 質感強烈的藍色、綠色、紅色、黃色在畫面上飛流奔放,《為最棒的安妮.蘇菲而作的美麗血腥革命超音速法國旋轉繪畫》實為達明安‧赫斯特的旋轉畫系列中的傑作。圓心畫布上,明亮的顏色從圓心向外放射,無庸置疑地展現了其旋轉畫系列鼓舞人心的自發性。赫斯特表示,「旋轉畫是一股龐大力量的乍現,充滿生命力、色彩和樂觀主義。」(「達明安‧赫斯特在2012年奧運閉幕典禮展示令人為之驚豔的旋轉畫作品」,2012年8月9日,節錄自藝術家網站: 旋轉畫讓人聯想起在唱片機上旋轉著黑膠唱片,也像是赫斯特用拉長曝光來捕捉星辰轉動的攝影系列。然而,相較於其他同系列作品,呈現於此的拍品有一特殊之處——畫面上,濃烈的色彩沿著直徑向外邊界擴散,微妙地叫人憶起遠景中的地平線。 《為最棒的安妮.蘇菲而作的美麗血腥革命超音速法國旋轉繪畫》可追溯至在1993年,赫斯特與藝術家安格斯‧費赫斯特聯手在倫敦薛迪奇區舉辦了一場由策展人約書亞‧康斯頓策展、由眾藝術家領銜主導的街頭藝術博覽會「比死更糟的宴會」。兩位藝術家在街接頭打造旋轉畫站,訪客只需付1英鎊的費用便能創作自己的旋轉畫,並轉交給兩位藝術家簽名。格列格‧繆爾在回顧赫斯特早期的表演藝術裝置時說道:「赫斯特創作旋轉畫得心應手,甚至在未來發展出一系列的旋轉畫,畫名一律用『美麗的』做起頭,並以『繪畫』結尾。」(格列格‧繆爾和克萊爾‧瓦勒斯:《 In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida 》,泰特現代藝術館,倫敦,2004年,91頁) 這一系列令收藏家極為嚮往的關鍵作品,更是赫斯特大展中的常客,例如赫斯特於2012年在倫敦泰特現代藝術館所舉辦的回顧展。 相較於旋轉畫系列,赫斯特同樣備受推崇的圓點系列強調的是一絲不苟的繪畫執行,但是兩個系列探討的都是機械介入的主題。赫斯特創作旋轉畫的方法是將顏料倒在高速旋轉的圓形畫布上,他用旋轉機器作畫契機可以追溯至杜象;不過,杜象用所發展出的是一種視覺實驗,赫斯特則是以當代的觀點,專注發展動作所引發的可能、驚奇和欣喜。畫面上的豐富的動感彰顯著赫斯特的藝術實踐中,各種相互抗衡的流動能量。「這關乎死亡和腐敗,也關乎理念和生命:世界對於事物所做出的行為存在一個空間內,而顏色則存在另一個空間中。這實是在太美好了。」(達明安‧赫斯特與高登‧伯恩:〈在工作的路上〉,Faber and Faber,2001年,119頁) 赫斯特是當今享最譽國際的藝術家之一,呈現於此的《為最棒的安妮.蘇菲而作的美麗血腥革命超音速法國旋轉繪畫》,更是一件極富動感的旋轉畫大作。 Read More Artist Bio Damien Hirst British • 1965 Follow There is no other contemporary artist as maverick to the art market as Damien Hirst Foremost among the Young British Artists (YBAs), a group of provocative artists who graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London in the late 1980s, Hirst ascended to stardom by making objects that shocked and appalled, and that possessed conceptual depth in both profound and prankish ways. Regarded as Britain's most notorious living artist, Hirst has studded human skulls in diamonds and submerged sharks, sheep and other dead animals in custom vitrines of formaldehyde. In tandem with Cheyenne Westphal, now Chairman of Ph

Auktionsarchiv: Los-Nr. 51
Hong Kong
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